37 year male with SOB, decreased urine output, abdominal distension,facial puffiness and pedal edema

Hi , I am Y. Shasshank, 3rd semester medical student. This is an online e log of patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.This elog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio


I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan
37 year male with SOB, decreased urine output, abdominal distension,facial puffiness and pedal edema

Patient came with the c/o
 decreased passage of urine, 

distension,pedal edema,facial puffiness since 1 day (yesterday morning)


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 day ago, then he developed -

■ SOB -

Since yesterday morning. 
It was sudden in onset(he said that,when it started,he was sitting at time) and aggravates on walking,on supine position and decreases when he sleeps in lateral positionposition(both right and left).
Continuous,non progressive.

It is not associated with chest pain.
No h/o cough,sweating, palpitations.

■ Abdominal distension -

Since yesterday, gradually progressive.

■ Decreased urinary output -

He didn't pass urine from yesterday morning to evening.

 Then they called RMP doctor.He gave 1 Injection and 2 tablets(details not available)

After 1 hour he passed urine.

After that abdominal distension decreased a bit.

There is no loin pain,urgency, frequency,burning micturition,dysuria.

■ Pedal edema -

Since 1 day

Pitting type.

Yesterday it was till knee length, today it decreased and till ankle length.

■ H/o decreased sensation, numbness and tingling sensation in the left lower limb since 10 years.

On asking, he gave a history of fever and pus discharge 4 days ago ,describing below 

Patient had purulent secretions from the area just below the scrotum (? fistula) and fever 4 days ago.

Then he consulted RMP doctor and took AMOXICILLIN, DOMPERIDONE,PARACETAMOL for 3 days.

Then his fever and pus secretions was decreased.

But after 2 days he developed edema in both upper and lower limbs and facial puffiness.

And SOB,abdominal distension and decreased urine output since yesterday morning.

Patient passed flatus on 28/7/23night.


Patient had a similar history of SOB 6 months ago, grade 4.

For that he went to a hospital in Devarkonda.

There doctor said that there is water accumulation in the chest ( ? Hydrothorax) and that will decrease on taking medication

So, he took medication(detials not available)for 1 month and was cured.

H/o epilepsy 15 years ago and not on regular medication.

N/k/c/o TB,asthma,DM,HTN,CVA,CAD

Past surgical history -

Patient fell from the bridge 10 years ago and got spinal injury and spinal surgery was done.

After 3-4 years, he had a thorn prick in the right feet, the infection spreaded(according to patient and the attender)in the leg and amputation was done.


Not significant


Patient lives with his wife and 2 daughters.
He stays at home and walks around the home and nearby with the help of Walker after his amputation was done7-8 years ago).

Coming to his life history in short,

10 years ago,

He was auto driver and was living a happy family life with his wife and daughter.
Then he had an accident (he fell from the bridge) and got spinal injury and spinal surgery was done in our hospital.


7-8 years ago, 
He had a thorn prick in the right foot and the infection got spreaded in the right leg.So,Amputation was done.

Since then he has been staying at home.
His wife is daily wage worker, she goes to work and his both the daughters go to school (elder one studies in 12th standard and younger one just started her schooling)and patient lives a daily routine bound life at home.

He was completely fine all these years(didn't visit hospital)

But 6 months ago,
He developed SOB,and for that he visited hospital in Devarkonda.

He wakes up around 6 am, after freshing up, takes a cup of tea, spends time at home(eaither sitting,lying on bed or walking around with the help of Walker)
Then he takes his breakfast around 9 am (rice mainly),lunch around 1 pm(rice) and dinner around 8 pm(rice).

He takes mixed diet, appetite is decreased since 4 days.
He was a regular alcoholic but stopped 1 year ago.No other addictions.

No known allergies


Well informed consent is taken. Examined in a well lit room.

Patient is conscious coherent and coperative well oriented to time place and person.

Moderately built and moderately Nourished. 



BP 140/80mmhg

PR 60bpm

Respiratory rate 25 cpm

 There is no icterus, clubbing, cyanosis or lympathadenopathy.
Pedal edema present.
No raised JVP

Systemic examination 

Respiratory system examination 


•Chest is bilaterally symmetrical
Trachea – midline in position.0
Apical Impulse is not appreciated 
Chest is moving normally with respiration.
No dilated veins, scars, sinuses.


•Trachea – midline in position.
Apical impulse is felt on the left 5th intercoastal space.
Chest is moving equally on respiration on both sides
Tactile Vocal fremitus - appreciated 


The following areas were percussed on either sides- 

Infraclavicular- resonant
Mammary- resonant
Axillary- resonant
Infraaxillary- resonant
Suprascapular- resonant 
Infrascapular- resonant 
 interscapular - resonant.


•Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.
• crepts present at right basal region 

Abdominal examination 


Abdominal rigidity present.

Tenderness present in epigastric region.

No fluid thrill

No shifting dullness 

CVS examination 

S1,S2 heard, no murmurs 


Motor examination 
                          Right Left 
Upper limb N. N
Lower limb N Amputated  

Upper limb 5/5 5/5
Lower limb 5/5. Amputation 

Biceps ++. ++
Triceps ++. ++
Supinator ++. ++
Knee - Amputation 
Ankle - 
Plantar - 

Loss of fine,crude touch, temperature and proprioception Left lower limb (till ankle)after Spine surgery secondary to trauma 10yrs ago


On 28/7/23


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